
31 January 2011

Monday Morning

It's Monday morning. Yes, right now. It's not Sunday night or five days ago. No, this post is fresh. It hasn't been sitting around, waiting to be auto-posted. This one is fresh off the grill, hot out of the oven. Watch out; it might burn your tongue!

Last week was stressful. Not necessarily unhappy, but it was not an easy week. It was defined by stress, anxiety, confusion, questioning, restlessness, and all sorts of not-so-peaceful things. It was introspective. I was on the brink of falling into depression, having a panic attack, or taking up a new addiction. (For the record, I've never been an alcoholic, drug user, sex addict, or anything deemed horribly bad by our society. Because I know I get addicted to things with incredibly fast and have been very careful not to let myself have the chance to get addicted to anything terribly dangerous.) Not good, any of those.

Last week was made survivable by the simple knowledge that it would end, that I would not be stuck in a state of such turmoil forever and I would see the light of another day again somehow.

Today feels like that day. Sure, the overarching anxieties of being a brand-new adult, trying to figure out where life is headed and what it all means are still around, but the feelings of utter despair and total confusion are gone, or at least shelved away for later reference. Things are making more sense today. A lot of what was stressing me out is solved. And the anxieties of "nobody likes me, every body hates me, guess I'll go eat worms" which started actually getting to me after a week of other anxieties pestering me seem completely ridiculous. They have lost their credibility again.

This week is looking to be much better than last week. I actually have very little clue as to what is going on this week, other than a few things which I'm looking forward to and a few things which I am not looking forward to (hello, drama), but I'm sure it's going to be much more peaceful.

See you Wednesday!

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