Hi. Let me introduce myself: I am no one and everyone. It is your pick.
You may leave, close this page, stop reading at any moment, and thus I am made no one.
Or you may read, lather yourself in my words, visit every day, and thus I am made everyone.
Regardless of your choice, I will keep writing. Today marks day one of a lifetime of day ones, of restarts, of failed projects and plans. My life begins today, as it does every day. A lifetime of failing to succeed or succeeding in failing will not stop me from writing another day one, from waking up again, ready to start again.
I am unprepared. I lack qualifications. I am competing against thousands who are leaps and bounds more worthy than me.
Today, I begin with an old idea, an old dream, not a new one. After eighteen years of new, failing dreams, I return to the oldest ones, the ones I gave up on when reality hit. Reality is overrated. It's boring. So, today, I return to the dreams I once gave up on. Today, I have the bright, wild, crazy, passionate, idealistic, unrealistic dreams of a child: I will change the world. I will save the world.
To be specific, for anyone can dream vague dreams, the first of those dreams is to become a filmmaker. I love art of all kind, and what better medium than film to capture all kinds of art in one eternal form? Film is magic. I was going to create these wonderful films, epic [Note that I mean "epic" as it relates to those great works of literature and oral tradition, not the watered-down "cool" version of the word.] tales of brave and mighty heroes with heart and soul and passion, fighting valiantly for what they believe in.
That was before I met Reality.
Ah, Reality. She seduced me, tricked me into giving her all of me. And then she broke my heart, that terrible, terrible woman! And yet, I couldn't leave. I kept coming back for more. Addicted! It was horrible. Luckily, I finally saw Reality for the liar she was and left her for good.
I'm going to create those films. All the stories I dreamed about as a kid, before I met Reality, will be preserved forever in the magic of film, in my very own art and words, in the hearts and souls of every person I can reach.
This is my dream. I hope you think I'm everyone.
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