
24 August 2010

On Writing a Song

I am no song writing expert. In fact, I just barely pass for average. I have no incredible insight, no secret trick or anything. Don't expect to learn how to write a song from this.

I don't like following traditional song structure. The way I instinctively write, there is no refrain, unless it is an ever-shifting refrain. (should to would to could maybe?) I don't like to write in a verse-chorus-verse-chorus-bridge-chorus structure. Other artists can do it, but I can't.

Sometimes, I can get a traditional structure to come out, but I all too often end up with just a lot of pretty words. I am a storyteller. My song writing is like telling a story that rhymes, almost like Dr. Seuss, except not quite as famous.

As I discover my writing style, I'm learning to appreciate it rather than wish it were like everyone else's. It's hard to buck the expectations, but when you are suddenly pressed for time and in a hurry, you learn to forget expectations and just give it your all.

I hope my all beats expectations.

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