
22 August 2010

The Person

Hello and welcome to the first post of a new, reader-decided series! Here's how it'll work:

Each Sunday, I will post a new installment of the series, based on reader input received since the last post. Since this is entirely new, the way readers submit their input might change. For now, there will be a poll at the end for readers to vote in (more on voting below), and any reader is welcome to submit their ideas, plot twists, etc. to ethraen [at] gmail [dot] com.

Right now (and this may change in the future when I do some coding), voting can be done by either posting your vote in a comment or emailing your vote to ethraen [at] gmail [dot] com.

I hope that's enough explanation. Let's get onto the story! Enjoy!

This tale is about a place neither near nor far. It is about a person neither alike nor different. There is nothing strange about this tale except that it is very strange. The world in this tale was not unlike yours, but it was nothing like yours.

The world was dark. Pure darkness. Not a thing to be seen nor sound to hear. Existence didn't, well, exist. This is how things had always been, as far as anyone could remember, though there was no one around to remember.

And then, one night, or perhaps one day or afternoon or morning or maybe even during golden hour, things changed. Suddenly. Out of the nothingness, there came to be a somethingness. And in that somethingness was a person. A plain person, like unseasoned meat, and extraordinary, like an explosion of flavour in your mouth. The taste buds scream in boredom and elation.

And when this person came into existence, this person brought an entire world of somethingness along, raping and pillaging the nothing that once filled all of space and time. Pure darkness went out of existence, became extinct. Everywhere you looked, there was something.

The person slowly opened their eyes and looked at this new world.

Vote away! What does the person see first? (You can be more specific than the options given) Something we normally perceive as:
A. Beautiful
B. Scary
C. Boring

D. Other

Vote away and see you with an update tomorrow!

1 comment:

Jeremiah Oji said...

They see something beautiful...sounds cliched, but I think of a better way for it to start