
07 December 2010

5000 Questions

My desk is "under construction." The computer is unplugged and not in use, and I have been moved to an old laptop. I decided to hunt around the computer a bit to see what sort of stuff was on here. There were all sorts of cool things, including my 2008 NaNo Novel ("Why had tonight seemed like it had come straight out of a NaNo dare?") and a few scripts ("You better watch it, or I'll misinterpret your implications."). I also glanced through my old bookmarks and found something called The 5,000 Question Survey. Apparently, I had planned to complete the survey, but never got around to it. So I have decided that I'm going to slowly answer all of the questions.

The first question is "Who are you?" Isn't this just the vaguest question you've ever heard? Any question on a personal survey is asking you who you are. There's so much that could be said here, but most people either just put their name or something incredibly simplistic. I could give you my name, age, and gender, and you wouldn't actually have learned anything about who I am. On the other hand, I could write an entire novel (literally!) in response to this question, and you still might not know me. The thing is, our identities are so incredibly multi-dimensional, and each of us is so incredibly different (though also all incredibly alike), that no amount of writing is going to answer this question. So rather than be simplistic and rather than write a novel's worth of meaningless words, I'll leave this one unanswered. If you want to know who I am, pay attention.

Next, it asks, "What are the 3 most important things everyone should know about you?" Another tough question. I could be simplistic and suggest one-dimensional personality traits, such as stubbornness, or I could get complicated and explain three crucial aspects of who I am. But how can I choose what about me defines me most? Perhaps what most defines me is my unwillingness to be defined. Perhaps the first thing anyone should know about me is my strong belief in multi-dimensionalism and the world's inability to be defined. This very belief is what underlies most, if not all, of my other beliefs.

The second most important thing everyone should perhaps know about me is that I love cold weather. It's annoying her in Southern California where we don't have insulation and have no idea how to turn on our heaters, but there's just something about bundling up in all those layers and drinking hot tea, cider, or cocoa just to stay warm that feels a bit magical. And as much as I dislike how lazy the cold makes us all, it's nice to let the weather be an excuse to stop for a minute. But I still love our California sun.

The third thing, and perhaps this should have been first, is just one word: love. I'm not going to explain this one. All I can say is that: love.

"When you aren't filling out 5,000 question surveys like this one what are you doing?" Finally, a question that is at least vaguely less vague. Then again, it basically just asked what I do with my time. All the time. Simply put though, I spend my time living, thinking, and creating.

And the last question for today is: "List your classes in school from the ones you like the most to the ones you like the least (or if you are out of school, think of the classes you did like and didn't like at the time)." Hey, I bet you can't guess what my favourite core subject ins school was! Want to give it a shot? I know you do. C'mon, just guess! I think my favourite class ever though was my entire fifth grade year. Seriously an awesome year.

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