
22 December 2010

My Soul Is Singing

It's weird coming back to blogging after a week off. It was a weird week, really. There's no way I could have blogged. In fact, I am quite glad I didn't, even if it now feels incredibly weird to be blogging now. I had an utterly transforming week to week-and-a-half. Rather than write something new for this post, I decided I'd share something I wrote in church on Sunday (what a day!). It's stream of consciousness, and some of it is in reference to other entries in my journal or things I've said/written in the past, but here it is:
Sunday. It is Sunday. Sunday, Sunday, Sunday. I cried. Cried like I've never cried before. [...] My soul rejoiced. My soul sang. My soul is singing. I cried and cried and cried. The world was beautiful, is beautiful. I feel so inspired. Jury duty? Why should I be upset? I am overjoyed. Why should I run from hope any longer? For this is my fear. I fear that there is much to hope for, much to be done. But why fear? There is hope. Oh, God, there is hope. My soul sings. Tears cascade down my face like hope bursting from me. I feel I may explode with joy. Can my body contain all of this goodness? Can this be true? My fears are calmed. My restless soul given peace. There is love. Oh, God, there is love. It bursts from my every pore. My head is aching from the pressure of all the good inside me, all the light, all the God. I cannot hold it all in. I can save the world. I can heal the world. I can. I can. I am capable of good; I am capable of great. This consumes me. The walls of fear and doubt and fallen. They have been torn down with mighty earthquakes and floods. Here is God's wrath upon the darkness and sin of the world. Fear is sin, the darkness within us. This is my Revelations, and now here is heaven on earth. My soul is freed. My soul soars; my soul sings. It is Sunday. Sunday. Oh, how it is Sunday. I am healed. Light and love and joy and peace and hope and truth have been restored. How can I express this? I must express this. I must share this. I must heal the world. I can heal the world. This is what I have been so hungry for; this is faith. I have faith. How is this miracle real? I do dare defy the universe. It begs to be left to die, to suffer, but I will heal it.
And to finish us off, here's another question from that 5000 question survey I mentioned earlier:

Where do you want to be in 5 years? A foreign country.

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