
09 September 2010

Article from a Multiverse

After my post about automated blogging, I'm going to be kind of lame and use an article I read as the main content of my blog post today This article, to be specific. "Are we living in a designer universe?"

I didn't read it entirely. I plan to later this week, but I wanted to share it. I don't know how to wrap my head around it, really. (For those of you who didn't read at all, it's basically about the theory that our universe was created by something near-human, and that we're getting very close to being capable of creating universes too.) I can't take a stance because my mind just won't process it at all. It alludes me.

What really interests me though is that humanity could be close to creating actual, fully-functioning universes. That idea is crazy. As an artist, a writer, I feel compelled to create. It's like the ultimate dream sort of thing to create an actual, fully-functioning universe. I feel like I spend my whole life building pieces of little universes, but never complete ones. Just imagine having a complete one!

But then how would we feel about having created an entire universe? How big would it be? Would we feel parental towards it? That said, suppose the theory about our universe is true: how does our creator really feel about us? And how many universes are there right now?

This just opens up a whole new wave of questions and thoughts. Boy, do I love thoughts.

What are your thoughts on the article and the ideas and concepts it presents?

P.S. Yes, I got the link from Jon Rosenberg's wonderful comic Scenes from a Multiverse

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