
08 September 2010

Automated Blogging

This shouldn't have surprised me, but it did: automated blogging.

So I saw on some person who followed me on Twitter's little sidebar something about making a 6-figure income via blogging without doing anything. I laughed. "You call writing not doing anything? Hell, writing can get utterly exhausting." And then I clicked and realised I was having a moment of naiveté.

Apparently, automated blogging has you come up with a few keywords fro your new blog, and then it scours the internet, RSS feeds, etc. and piles content together and posts it for you. Then it also has traffic generating features like lying to Google. In other words, it takes other people's work and calls it yours and it slaps Google in the face. Funny thing about other people and Google: they like their work and dislike slaps in the face.

I don't understand how someone falls into this "automated blogging" scam. Are they so devoid of shame and creativity that automated blogging just seems like the perfect way to go? Or do they have such a lack of self-confidence that they think a computer is more interesting than themselves?

As much as I'd love more traffic, I want traffic reading my blog because what I have to say seems worth their time. I want to know that my words are reaching someone, somewhere. Whenever I write here, I try to be sure to stay 100% true to myself and exemplify what I wish the world could be. And in being honest, I try to own up to my fallings too. So when someone reads my blog and then keeps coming back, they're here for me, for the things that I believe in. I don't think my ego could stand competing with an automatic blogger. (My ego thinks it's more interesting than a computer.)

What are your thoughts?


Jeremiah Oji said...

I find this pretty disgusting...It's sad that someone would actually do this...

Thræn said...

It's not used by people looking to communicate. The goal is traffic, ads, money! It's the equivalent of spam email to me, practically. Any good search engine will filter both out pretty easily.